Watlington Taiji & Qigong
A gentle class that focuses on maintaining and enhancing mobility, balance, good posture and general health as we age. This class is promoted by AgeUK. Mostly constitutional Qigong, joint loosening exercises, Qigong routines, self massage, taiji principles and meditation. These classes run throughout the year on a drop in basis. Following the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Taiji and Qigong seek to restore and regulate the flow of ones Qi (Vital energy) and blood. This is achieved through a combination of mindfulness, correct postural alignment, relaxation and deep abdominal breathing. A specialised form of effortless movement, known as Silk- Reeling, is learnt which unifies and integrates the entire body-mind. The primary aim is to develop ones ‘Internal Strength’ in order to enjoy an enduring and healthy life.
These classes cover a comprehensive range of exercises and activities to cultivate good health, including:
Qigong (Chi Kung)
Fang Song Gong (Releasing looseness/Deep relaxation)
Zhan Zhuang (Postural alignment exercises)
Qigong Routines (Eight Pieces of Brocade, Eight Animal Frolics and The Five Elements Qigong)
Self Massage and Acupressure
Chansigong (Silk Reeling drills)
Venue: The Memorial Hall, High Street, Watlington
Time: Tuesday mornings 11.00 - 12.00
Cost: £8 per class.
Contact: Alan on 01491 200471 or email taichialan@gmail.com