Class Information
Taijiquan (Tai Chi chuan) classes
The school currently runs classes in both Chen and Yang style Taijiquan (Tai Chi Chuan). Chen Style is the original style of Taiji on which all other styles are based. The school mostly follows the instruction of Grandmaster Chen Xiao Wang, through Karel and Eva Koscuba of the Chinese Internal Arts Association. There is also a strong influence from the instruction of Master Chen Bing.
Classes cover a comprehensive range of exercises and activities to cultivate good health and self defence capabilities, including:
Zhan Zhuang (Standing Post Exercise): Simple yet powerful exercise to enhance energy, mental clarity, and internal strength. It’s an excellent standing meditation for improving your productivity and bringing more aliveness to everything you do.
Qigong: The regulation (correction) of body, mind, Qi, breath and spirit. Qigong translates as 'energy cultivation'. Routines often explore the full range of movements possible such as The Eight Animal Qigong, The Eight Pieces of Brocade and Five Element Qigong. The lessons also include instruction on how to sense and guide that Qi through the body.
Chansigong (Silk Reeling Exercise): One could say that the quest of Taiji is to understand and be able to practice Chansijin (Internal Spiral Energy). As Grandmaster Chen Xiao Wang put it; "There are many styles of Taijiquan, many different forms and exercise drills. If you understand Chansijin you can do everything in taijiquan." In order to understand Chansijin we practice Chansigong - Internal Spiral Exercises.
Tui Shou (Push hands) principles and practice. Some people are still surprised to discover that Taiji is an effective system of self defence. Accordingly there may be some partner work to explore this facet of the art. We never do anything that could remotely damage ourselves, or partner, and try to help each other understand how the principles of Taijiquan (such as not meeting force with force, total relaxation etc).
Taijiquan forms. A form, or frame, is a series of linked movements that make up a continuous choreographed routine. The movements have martial applications but can be performed just for health.
Taijiquan classes, in which all the above elements are studied, can be found in Oxford, Wallingford, Didcot and Charlbury.
Tui Shou practice (Push Hands)
Taijiqigong (tai chi chi kung) Classes

Taiji principles and Qigong. These classes cover a comprehensive range of exercises and activities to cultivate good health but do not include self defence or more complex patterns or forms. These classes are suitable for everyone regardless of level of fitness. Some classes are designed specifically for the over 50s
classes include:
Zhan Zhuang (Standing Post Exercise): Simple yet powerful exercise to enhance energy, mental clarity, and internal strength. It’s an excellent standing meditation for improving your productivity and bringing more aliveness to everything you do.
Constitutional Qigong: exercises for strength, mobility and general well being
Qigong Forms: A variety of routines, including The Eight Animal Frolics, The Five Elements, Eight Pieces of Brocade, Shaolin Qigong etc.
Qi Sensing and Qi Guidance exercises: Also known as active Qigong, in which the practitioner visualises the movement of energy along pathways through the body.
Chansigong: Internal spiral exercises, also known as Silk reeling.
Self massage and acupressure
Balance training
Dragon Qigong - From Eight Animal Frolics
Taijiqigong classes are held mornings and afternoons in Wallingford, Charlbury, Watlington, Steventon, Warborough and Henley