Didcot Taijiquan & Qigong
Taijiquan (T'ai Chi Chuan) and Qigong (Chi Kung)
Following the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Taijiquan (tai chi chuan) and Qigong seek to restore and regulate the flow of ones Qi (Vital energy) and blood. This is achieved through a combination of mindfulness, correct postural alignment, relaxation and deep abdominal breathing. A specialised form of effortless movement, known as Silk- Reeling, is learnt which unifies and integrates the entire body-mind. The primary aim is to develop ones ‘Internal Strength’ in order to enjoy an enduring and healthy life. Taiji is a profound training which has martial, medicinal and meditative elements. The consequence of practice is a gradually more developed state of awareness, and the ability to be more attentive to both our internal and external reality.
This is a Chen Style Taijiquan class but the first hour is dedicated to Qigong and basic principles of Taiji for health and relaxation. Chen Style is the original style of Taiji (Tai Chi) on which all other styles are based.
Classes in Didcot run continuously throughout the year. Beginners are welcome to join at any time.
Classes cover a comprehensive range of exercises and activities to cultivate good health and, if desired, martial ability, including:
Qigong (Chi Kung)
Fang Song Gong (Releasing looseness/Deep relaxation)
Zhan Zhuang (Standing Meditation)
Chansigong (Silk Reeling drills): The internal spiral energy of Taiji.
Tui Shou (Push hands) principles and practice: How to apply Taiji in everyday life/self defence.
Chen Style Taijiquan (T’ai Chi Ch’uan) form practice: The long choreographed routine people commonly associate with Taiji.
Venue: Didcot Methodist Church Hall
The Broadway, Didcot, Oxfordshire,
OX11 8AD
(Entrance to hall is at back of church. Limited parking available. If full park in Wessex Road or on Broadway)
Time: Wednesday Evenings 7.00 -9.00 pm
Qigong & Taiji Principles 7.00 - 8.00 pm
Chen Style Taijiquan 8.00 - 9.00 pm
Cost: £10.00 per session or £18 for both
Block booking; £85/£150 for ten consecutive lessons
Contact: Alan on 01491 200471 or email taichialan@gmail.com