Class Information

Taijiquan (Tai Chi chuan) classes

The school currently runs classes in both Chen and Yang style Taijiquan (Tai Chi Chuan). Chen Style is the original style of Taiji on which all other styles are based. The school mostly follows the instruction of Grandmaster Chen Xiao Wang, through Karel and Eva Koscuba of the Chinese Internal Arts Association. There is also a strong influence from the instruction of Master Chen Bing.

Classes cover a comprehensive range of exercises and activities to cultivate good health and self defence capabilities, including:

Taijiquan classes, in which all the above elements are studied, can be found in Oxford, Wallingford, Didcot and Charlbury.

Tui Shou practice (Push Hands)

Taijiqigong (tai chi chi kung) Classes

Taiji principles and Qigong. These classes cover a comprehensive range of exercises and activities to cultivate good health but do not include self defence or more complex patterns or forms. These classes are suitable for everyone regardless of level of fitness. Some classes are designed specifically for the over 50s

classes include:

Dragon Qigong - From Eight Animal Frolics

Taijiqigong classes are held mornings and afternoons in Wallingford, Charlbury, Watlington, Steventon, Warborough and Henley